Student Support – Sibga Institute of Advanced Sciences

SIBGA Literature Club
The literature club is a haven for those who find solace, inspiration and joy in the written world.
Entering its cozy domain feels like stepping into a magical realm where the walls resonate with the
echoes of timeless stories and the air is charged with the excitement of literary exploration.
Members of the club, with their diverse tastes and perspectives come together like characters in a well-
crafted narrative, each contributing their unique voice and insights to the ongoing narrative of shared
literary experience from poetry readings that stir the soul to book discussions that spark intellectual
discourse, every gathering is a celebration of words and ideas. SIBGA Literature Club gave birth to SIBGA
Publishing house, where number of books have been published and planning to publish in coming years.
SIBGA Publishing House
Welcome to our colleges’s publishing house, where creativityand knowledge intertwine to shape the future. We
started our own publish house in 2015 and published our own students books and magazine, ‘Neerkumila’
,’Chethimikkumbol’ and ‘Euphonium’.With our doors open to imagination and innovation, we serve as a beacon
for aspiring writers thinkers and visionaries. Join us on a journey of wordsmithing and storytelling, where every
page turned is a step closer to enlightenment.
‘Neerkumila’, is a collection of 21 short poems written by our own student Anjali Pinarayi in 2016. Poem
publication is like capturing fleeting moments of the souland weaving them into timeless tapestries of emotion and
thought. It begins with the poet’s intimate dance with words, where, feelings and ideas intertwine to verses that
resonate with the human experience. One such poem is ‘Neerkumila’, where the poet wrote from her inner
thoughts, feelings and emotions. This book was published under the supervision of literature club. ‘Neerkumila’

was an inspiration for other aspiring poets. Another collection of poems, ‘Veliyettathile Kadal’, was published in
20 th March 2024. It’s a collection of 43 poems.
Book publication is a harmonious symphony of creativity, dedication, and begins with the author’s
vision, a spark of imagination that ignites pageswith words, ideas and emotions. Editors and proofreaders weave
through these pages, polishing ach sentence until it gleams with clarity and purpose. One such book was
‘Chethiminukkumbol’, by our own pride and extremely talented Shanif Haneef in 2017. This book was also
published under the supervision of literature club. ‘Chethiminukkumbol’, was another great milestone in the
history of SIBGA college.
Our college magazine ‘Euphonium’ is a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of creativity,
intellectualand community spirit. It srves as a mirror reflecting the diverse talents, perspectives and
aspirations of students and faculty alike.
At its core, our college magazine is a sanctuary of expression, where words dance on pages, paintings
burst with colorsand photographs capture moments frozen in time. Writers pour their passions into
articles that explore myriad topics, from academic insights to cultural reflections, from personal
journeys to social concerns.
Our magazine, ‘Euphonium’ was another great achievement in 2017. Our magazine is considered as a
hallmark in the history of SIBGA college. With each issue, college magazine becomes a chronicle of
growth and discovery, a testament to the boundless creativity and intellectual curiosity thriving within
its walls. It serves as a bridge, connecting minds and hearts, fosteringdialogue, understanding and a
shared sense of belonging in the rich tapestry of campus life.
SIBGA Women’s Cell – Women’s Cell is a beacon of empowerment and support, dedicated to
championing the rights, well-being and aspirations of women within our college community. Women cell
organized many programmes in the past years and still continues.
Anti-Ragging Cell – Welcome to our Anti-Ragging Cell, the frontline defenders of student welfare and
dignity within our college. Committed to fostering a safe and respectful environment, we stand firm
against any form of harassment or intimidation. Through proactive measures, awareness campaigns and
swift intervention, we ensure that every student feels secure and supported in the pursuit of education.
We uphold the values of respect, empathy, and inclusivity creating a campus where everyone can thrive
free from fear.


Kingster University offers a variety of scholarships and fellowships designed to help you and your family pay for university. Scholarships and grants are types of gift aid that do not have to be repaid. They may take the form of University scholarships, federal or state grants, or outside scholarships.

Scholarships Sources

Kingsters' Scholarships

Kingster University offers a variety of scholar ships and fellowships designed to help you and your family pay for university. Scholarships and grants are types of gift.

Federal Grant Programs

Kingster University offers a variety of scholar ships and fellowships designed to help you and your family pay for university. Scholarships and grants are types of gift.

State Scholarships

Kingster University offers a variety of scholar ships and fellowships designed to help you and your family pay for university. Scholarships and grants are types of gift.


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in

  • You are a full-time student (at least 12 points).
  • You applied for financial aid on time.
  • You are meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
  • You have approximately the same amount of financial need that you had in prior years.

Guidance and Advice

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life.

Featured Student (Scholarship)

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far.there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic.

Contact For Scholarship

We are opn on Monday – Friday at 11am and 3pm, except on holidays.

Charlie's Admissions Center

223 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246

Phone : +1-3425-2335-44
Email :

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the tour take?

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.

Is there any parking nearby?

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.

Can I leave my bags at meeting point?

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.

Will the tour be cancelled due to weather?

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.